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Narrative Text adalah satu dari 13 jenis teks bahasa inggris (genre) yang lahir dari kalangan Narration (lihat Types Of Text) sepertihalnya Recount Text, Anecdote Text, Spoof Text dan News Items Text yang mana berfungsi untuk menceritakan kisah masa lampau dan untuk hiburan.
Tujuan Komunikatif Narrative Text seperti yang dijelaskan di atas adalah untuk menghibur pendengar atau pembaca tentang suatu kisah atau cerita masa lampau yang bertalian dengan pengalaman nyata, khayal atau peristiwa-peristiwa pelik yang mengarah ke suatu krisis, yang pada akhirnya menemukan suatu penyelesaian.

Generic Structure Narrative Text

Setiap jenis teks bahasa Inggris (genre) memiliki struktur teks-nya sendiri-sendiri. Struktur dari Narrative Text terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu :

1. Orientation

Pada bagian Orientation atau pengenalan berisi tentang pengenalan tokoh dalam cerita serta waktu dan tempat kejadiannya.

2. Complication

Pada bagian Complication berisi tentang gambaran munculnya krisis atau masalah yang di alami oleh tokoh pada cerita tersebut yang harus dipecahkan.

3. Resolution

Pada bagian Resolution berisi tentang bagaiman tokoh dari cerita tersebut memecahkan masalah yang ada pada bagian Complication. Biasanya terdapat lebih dari satu Resolution untuk satu Complication.

Pada beberapa referensi tentang Narrative Text, terdapat tambahan generic structure pada Narrative Text, yaitu penambahan Coda setelah Resoultion. Jadi susunan Narrative text adalah Orientiation, Complication, Resolution dan Coda.

Coda adalah bagian terakhir dari structure Narrative Text yang berisi perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita tersebut.

Contoh Narrative Text

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs

Once upon a time in a great castle, there was a beautiful princess. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long black hair. Her skin was delicate and white, and so she was called Snow White. Snow White had a step mother who was always jealous of Snow White's beauty. Her step mother too was very beautiful, and the magic mirror told her this every day, whenever she asked it.

One day, the step mother asked the magic mirror who the loveliest lady in the land was and the magic mirror answered Snow White was the loveliest in the land. The step mother was very mad. Then he asked her trusty servants to take Snow White into the forest, far away from the Castle and killed her. But the servant didn't kill Snow White, He led the innocent little girl away.

In the forest, little Snow White was alone and scared. She didn't know where she should go. But suddenly she saw a small strange cottage. She wondered who lived there, then she entered the cottage.

Inside the cottage, there was 7 beds and a kitchen. Snow White was to tired to explore the cottage, and suddenly fallen a sleep. In the afternoon, the seven dwarfs who lived in the cottage, came home. They surprised to see there was a young lady there. One dwarf woke her up and asked who was she. Snow White told them her sad story. The seven dwarfs understood the feeling of Snow White and asked her to live with them in the cottage.

Meanwhile in the castle, the servant came back and told to the step mother that Snow White was killed. Then the step mother asked the magic mirror once again who the loveliest in the land was and still the magic mirror answered the Snow White who lived in the small cottage with seven dwarfs was the loveliest one in the land. So the step mother was angry and she planed something bad to Snow White.

Then the step mother disguising herself as an old women who sold a basket of poisoned apples and went to the cottage. In the cottage, the seven dwarfs warned Snow White to not open the door to the stranger.

The step mother finally arrived to the cottage and began to offer Snow White an apple. Snow White refused to open the door but the step mother kept persuade and finally Snow White opened the door and brought an apple then he ate it. So Snow White fallen down with the poisoned apple beside her.

In the afternoon, when the seven dwarfs came home, they were surprised with Snow White who laid down on the floor with pale face and a poisoned apple beside her. The seven dwarfs were sad seeing the Snow White was dying but not die yet. Then the seven dwarfs decided to make a beautiful bed made from a crystal coffin to make Snow White keep alive.

Day by day, the seven dwarfs waited for the miracle came when Snow White suddenly woke up. Then one day, there was a wanderer who actually a prince from far away kingdom saw a beautiful lady was laid down on crystal bed. The wanderer asked the dwarfs what was happened and the dwarfs told him the story.

Heard the Snow White's story, the princes decided to carry her to his Castle and asked the doctor to help her. Then the prince kissed her to show his intention. But suddenly Snow White was back to life. The fact was that the prince's kiss broke the spell. Then the prince asked Snow White to marry him.

From that day on, Snow White lived happily in a great castle. But from time to time, she was drawn back to visit the little cottage down in the forest.


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